Letter to Malaysian MPs on COVID and Act 342
Re: COVID-19 Response – Did it Work? Was it Needed?
MP’s in Malaysia
This letter is written as a response to the government measures to stop COVID-19 in Malaysia, and in advance of the planned debate to discuss amendments to Akta 342.
The COVID-19 situation has been ongoing in Malaysia for two years. During the past 24 months, as a nation we have been subject to: -
· Draconian lockdowns of the entire country
· Intense coercion and intimidation of various sectors of society to receive experimental, emergency use authorization only vaccines and mRNA medical devices without their or their guardians’ fully informed consent
· Quarantine, masks and vaccines that have cost billions of Ringgit, without dialogue or basic discussion with the Malaysian population, resulting in a draining of the government coffers
· School restrictions
· Restrictions on eating, drinking, socializing, fitness, arts, culture, religious practices and observances
· Psychological damage and trauma to children and adults alike
· Travel restrictions both to and from Malaysia, making leaving and entering the country virtually impossible for its citizens
· Forced use of masks which can only be viewed as a forced medical intervention
· Business collapse across a number of sectors which have been severely and negatively impacted
· Financial ruin of both businesses and individuals in Malaysia.
The situation has been and remains untenable for most of the population of Malaysia, including the restrictions on unvaccinated people that, by all intents and purposes, appear to be designed to coerce people to accept an experimental medical intervention.
Almost everyone in the country experiences daily stress from this situation, which in itself is detrimental to health. Unless life can return to normal (i.e. pre-pandemic status quo) very soon Malaysia will be brought to its knees both economically and socially.
We accept that you most probably believe that the administration has been doing the right thing, protecting the people of Malaysia. By means of this letter we wish to inform you that, in all likelihood, your belief is misplaced.
Firstly, you need to know that there is a massive amount of information now available globally which strongly suggests the entire COVID-19 situation, along with the global vaccination drive, is based on either incompetence or fraud at the highest levels. Around the world documents released via Freedom of Information requests, active court cases, court rulings, and police investigations in various jurisdictions support this claim.
If you have been unaware of this information, and unaware of the deception most likely taking place, let it be known that by means of this letter you are now made aware. With this awareness, you now have the opportunity to investigate and take necessary action.
While information from around the world is important, for the purposes of this letter we will focus mostly on the situation in Malaysia. The key questions that need to be asked are, were the measures taken in Malaysia proportionate, relevant or even effective? Upon examination of the data, the answers would appear to be “no”.
We have prepared for you two reports looking at key aspects of Malaysia’s response to the COVID-19 situation.
1. The COVID Crisis – Pandemic, Plandemic, or Gross Incompetence?
2. Act 342 – Safeguarding or Destroying Malaysia?
In the first report we look first at why coerced vaccinations, discrimination of those not fully vaccinated, and restrictive SOPs must be scrapped immediately. The reasons are simple:
1. The wave of deaths in Malaysia is past. It’s over.
2. Vaccinated people can equally catch and transmit COVID-19, making the SOPs that discriminate against those not fully vaccinated useless and damaging in the extreme.
The remainder of the report makes it very clear that the COVID-19 vaccination programme and other SOPs are most likely making the situation worse than a virus ever did. More importantly, there is a very real question as to whether there was ever a pandemic of COVID-19 in Malaysia, at least before the roll-out of the new experimental vaccines took place.
Finally, it appears that those responsible for the national response to the so-called COVID “crisis” appear to have been either not fully competent, or not fully honest and transparent with the people of Malaysia. The Ministry of Health has used Akta 342 to override the rights of people in Malaysia, based solely on the evidence-free MOH assertion that there was an emergency. As a consequence, there has been immense damage done to the economy, the people, and the fabric of society in Malaysia.
This is blatant overreach by the administration that needs to be stopped and prevented from happening again.
As an MP who now understands the gravity of what has occurred, it is your responsibility to take action in parliament and turn things around for the benefit of the people of Malaysia. What can you do?
Simple. There is a debate coming up wherein amendments to Akta 342 are proposed. If passed, these amendments will allow the medical establishment to exercise powers that further exceed those of parliament, and of the constitution. In fact, the current version of Akta 342 already allows such a dangerous outcome, but the newly proposed amendments will make things worse.
The second document has been prepared to help you prepare for this debate. It explores the role Akta 342 played these last two years, the amendments being proposed, and the possible implications of those amendments, if passed.
Call to action:
If you believe that the information presented in our report is true, we ask that you support the 5 actions proposed below. If, however, you feel that the case presented to you requires more time to digest and validate, we ask that you demand an extension to the Akta 342 debate while further investigating all the issues.
Once you are satisfied that the information presented to you in our report is indeed factual and true, we would ask that you do all in your power to change the direction in which Malaysia is currently headed. Specifically, you will need to:
1. Vote against any new amendments to Akta 342 proposed by the administration
2. Work with your colleagues to introduce a totally new version of Akta 342 wherein henceforth the medical establishment in Malaysia, including the DG of Health, will have meaningful checks and balances limiting the power that they can exercise. (“Act 342 – Safeguarding or Destroying Malaysia?” suggests directions for you to work with in this regard).
3. Do everything in your power to prevent the Malaysian government signing a new COVID-19 treaty with the WHO, as this treaty would allow the “WHO Constitution” to take precedence over a country's constitution during natural disasters or pandemics.
4. Challenge the government on every aspect of how the COVID-19 situation was managed.
5. Demand that all COVID restrictions be ended with immediate effect
The future of Malaysia is at stake, and we trust that you will stand on the side of good science, integrity, truth, and the people of Malaysia.
1. The COVID Crisis – Pandemic, Plandemic, or Gross Incompetence?
Thank you. The letter was dated?